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28 June 2021 Current Affairs

      We are going to disscuss current affairs 25 june 2021 

Q1) Which country has started the fully electric bullet train?

A) China
B) India
C) Bangladesh
D) Japan

Q2) Recently which country has been retained by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its gray list?
A) Oman
B) Pakistan 
C) Russia
D) Saudi Arabia

Q3) Which city has has been honored with Smart City Award 2020?
A) Varanasi , Chennai
B) Delhi, Mumbai
C) Indore, Surat  
D) Udaipur, Hyderabad

Q4) Who has become the new Central Vigilance Commissionor of India?
A) Suresh N Patel
B) Sanjay Kothari
C) YK Sinha         
D) Sushil Chandra

Q5) Recently Microsoft has launched its next generation operating system, what is its name?
A) Internet Explorer
B) Bing
C) Window 11
D) Duck duck Go

Q6) Which state become the first rabies free state of India?
A) Punjab
B) Haryana
C) Chhattisgarh
D) Goa  

Q7)Which state government has set up the first animal war room for animal welfare?
A) Utter Pardesh
B) Karnataka       
C) Odisha
D) Maharastra

Q8) Which state has announced a subsidy of up to Rs 1.5 lakh on electric vehicles?
A) Punjanb
B) Rajasthan
C) Haryana
D) Gujarat

Q9) In which year India's first indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)'INS Vikrant ' will be commissined?
A) 2022        
B) 2023
C) 2024
D) 2025

Q10) According to the report titled Suicides worldwide in 2019, how many people died by suicide in 2019?
A) 50
B) 75
C) 100     
D) 125

                                         Question of the Day

Recently in which state the country's 52nd Tiger Reserve has been made?
A) Odisha
B) Rajasthan
C) Assam
D) Madhya Pardesh

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